Friday, April 17, 2015

L'oreal Base Magique Review

Do you know that primer is important when you applying your makeup? Primer can make your makeup stay longer and make it more matte! As for this primer that I want to talk about, this primer can cover up your pores and make it invisible.
I won't say that the price is expensive or cheap, but most importantly its worth the price. For this small tube, I have to pay RM 60++ or equal to IDR 180,000++ which is.. not bad right? 
Here is the overview of the product:
The consistency more like a paste dough. It's not creamy also not in liquid form which is good because its easy to apply and also absorb to your skin quite quick.
My Experience:
When I use this product, I just take a little bit and rub it between my ring finger to make it more easier to apply and to melt it a little bit. I dot it into my face and then spread it all over my face. Before using this product, my face usually still feel oily or some sort of that feelings, but after using this product my face immediately become matte and also it cover my big pores! LUV IT!! This product also can hold your makeup whole day without being oily, its the only primer that works for my oily skin so far and its my second tube already hehe.
Can you see the difference? In the second picture I looked like having foundation or powder right? In fact I just using the primer hehe.
So far there is nothing bad going on to me when I use this product, so.. hands down my HG primer!
Where to buy?
You can easily find this product in drug store such as guardian, watson, century. I buy it in Malaysia, but I think I ever saw it in guardian or watson Indonesia. Do check 'em out at the store and you won't regret it!


  1. I saw this primer when i was in malay last year. I'm not interested with this primer so i wouldn't buy it, then i just saw you review and i just regret for myself why i'm not bought this amazing primer :''''' hahah.

    1. Hi! LOL.. Where are you from? Are you from Indonesia? I think Indonesia also carry this product in watson or guardian. You can check it out :)

  2. aku juga pake primer dari L'oreal tapi yang Perfecting Base... kayanya produknya mirip ini hanya warnanya agak pink. Suka banget sama primer dari L'Oreal karena bikin foundation jadi flawless di muka

    thank you ya review nya :)

    1. sama2 siss ^^ iyaa aku jg suka bgt sama primer ini pkknya the best bgt hehe. mksh commentnya dan jg mksh udh mampir sis :P

  3. ohhh, nooo
    Thanks buat reviewnyaaaa,,,,,
    blm liat Primer se kece ini, OMAIGATT, adakah di Indo yooo

    Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D


    1. mksh jg udah mampir ke blog aku sis hehe ^^
      sepertinya aku pernah liat di guardian atau watson Indo.. coba di cek aja sis :p


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